Sunday, February 27, 2011

About Radon - Slideshow

Friday, February 25, 2011

Radon Test Feb 2011

Great results from my latest client in Brentwood. Their radon levels were fairly low at the start, at around 6.5 pCi/L, but we got them down to around a .5 pCi/L, about as low as it can go:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February Job

I had the opportunity to install this radon system recently. It was different from past jobs in that the appearance of the system had to match the home and be unobtrusive, so we painted the outside part to match the house.

I had to exchange my usual 20 ft. ladder for a 24 ft. model, to reach to the high roof.

This smaller Bosch hammer drill was a lifesaver, as far as drilling perfect holes in the brick for the pipe anchors. My large hammer drill would have broken up the brick.

Finished Product

Indoor Section

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Radon Communication Test

I did initial testing Saturday to determine if it would be possible to mitigate a large home by utilizing a subslab radon system. This is where we drill one hole (1") where we insert an industrial vacuum nozzle, and then drill a smaller hole at the other end of the house. We then turn on the vacuum cleaner and then go to the other hole where we hold a smoke-stick over it, to see if smoke is drawn into the hole. A positive test means we probably have good air flow beneath the concrete slab.

Failing the Smoke Test

Passing the smoke test