Friday, May 13, 2011

Green Hills Crawlspace

I traveled up to Green Hills today to measure out this crawlspace. Although the owner did a nice job of laying down some thick plastic, radon levels remained unchanged in the living space above. Since radon measured below 15.0 pCi/L, I will propose the installation of a heat recovery ventilator (air exchanger).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Long Term Test Results

Here is the latest long term test result from one of our clients in Columbia, TN from the Spring of 2010. Their original radon level was around 30+ if I recall correctly. I remember this client watched my every move the entire 8 hours or so it took to do the work, and the attic during the last phase of installation was about 110 degrees. It definitely was a job I was hoping we passed the first time. They had scored about 1.5 on the short term test, thankfully, but the recent results from the the long term test (91 days to 12 months) showed even lower radon scores!