Friday, July 9, 2010

Crawlspace-Day 3

Things went well yesterday, with the "endless crawlspace". I sealed all obvious air leaks to the outside world, except for leaving one small vent open on the west side of the structure. This will reduce radon infiltration into the main house because outside air tends to rush in, drawn by the vacuum created by the house above, and takes any radon gas with it, into the house.

The really tedious part, and the reason these jobs take so long, is the sealing of the plastic sheeting to the pillars and perimeter wall. The goal is to make an airtight seal so the radon can be routed to the outside from the pipe insertion point beneath the plastic, before it leaks into the atmosphere of the crawlspace, and eventually seeps into the main living space of the house.

I believe I will actually finish this in less than a day now. I had to take a day off, due to neck-strain from crawling around on my hands and knees much of the day, but will resume the project next Wednesday, and hopefully finish.

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